Getting started with Docker Containers on Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3

So TP3 was released earlier today (about 1 hour ago), as an image on Azure, and I have been able to spend quite alot of useful minutes on it and more specificaly on Containers. TP3 is the first release that supports Native containers.

Now Containers can be added to TP3 as a feature, by running the command

Install-WindowsFeature –name Containers

Now by default there isn’t so much that we can do, unless we have some proper images in place. Luckily I have noticed that Microsoft has a GitHub site where it places all different examples uses for showing Containers.

Which can be found here –>

From here we also have a sample-script which allow us to setup a new container host with a sample image. The install-containerhost will in essence setup a Windows Server 2016 container host on top of Hyper-V

It will download a Container image from this Image is about 6 GB large so it might take some time before it is finished downloaded.

We also have an example script to deploy an Container with MineCraft under the same GitHub

which was updated less then 15 minutes ago Smilefjes


#containers, #github, #technical-preview, #window-server-2016