When to use Traffic Manager, Cloud Service Load balancing or Citrix Netscaler

Now that Citrix released their Netscaler appliance on Azure we have a huge option to do load balancing within the Azure platform. It is also important to think about the other options we have in Azure to do load balancing outside of Netscaler.

Traffic Manager is one of the first options which acts kinda like GSLB which is a DNS based load balancing feature. Which allow us to load balance between endpoints on a cloud service

1. Performance Load-Balancing

These services can be spread across different regions. This can either be load balanced based upon performance, round robin or failover.

Problem with DNS based load balancing is that is never gets a full overview of how the traffic is balanced since it basically just spreads the DNS responses. + at Traffic Manager has limited monitoring capabilities since it can only see on HTTP or HTTPS protocol.

We also now have support for nested profiles within Traffic Manager — http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/10/29/new-azure-traffic-manager-nested-profiles/

2. Nested Load-Balancing, Performance   Weights

Now on the other side we have load balancing endpoints on Cloud Services.


When setting up Cloud Services Load balancing we have more option depending on load balancing distribution, ref https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn495300

We can have persistency based upon sourceIP or destionationIP for instance, and that we have more monitoring endbpoint based options. This is a more L4 based load balancing approach, which is also a free option to in Azure.

While Netscaler is a complete L4 – L7 load balancing platform which can be used to load balanced based upon many different parameters. Now you can also combine the Netscaler appliance with a HA setup to get the best from both worlds. With also giving you a active/active Netscaler setup within a cloud service http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/netscaler-vpx-10-5/vpx-azure-ha-config-con.html

So when do use the different services ?

If you have a simple web-service which does not require a advanced monitor capabilities and are setup on many different cloud services, use Traffic Manager

If you have a service which are setup within a cloud service which you need to setup a simple load balancing capability on while having low cost, use Load Balanced Endpoints

If you have a service which requires a more advanced service monitoring capabilities and special demand to distribute traffic use Netscaler within a Cloud Serivce.

#azure, #netscaler