Integrating Configuration Manager and RES Workspace Manager

As I stated in a earlier post is that you have the ability to integrate RES Workspace Manager with Configuration Manager.

Workspace Manager is a product that allows you to design how the desktop should appear to the user.
Instead of using Group Policy and slow login scripts you can move all those tasks into Workspace Manager.
For instance Printer mapping, drive mapping, +++
I has a lot of features but take a look at my previous post if you wish to know more about it Smile

Workspace Manager also allows for a lot of integration. With for instance XenApp, App-V, RDS, Vmware Thinapp and Configmgr.
With Configmgr integration you can allow for Workspace Manager to deploy application (Automation task) to a users desktop.

When a user logs on for the first time, and clicks a predefined shortcut for that application, Workspace Manager will automatically deploy the software to the desktop by contacting the MP that is configured.

First we start by adding the ConfigMgr integration, Click Setup –> Microsoft System Center,


Now on the Menu, click Settings. Click on the “Enable Microsoft System Center ConfigMgr Integration” And remember as it states there. You need a Configmgr agent and a Workspace Manager agent installed on the client where you are going to use this.
Enter credentials, and choose which version of ConfigMgr you have in your environment.

And Click Test Now (A list of packages that are deployed should now appear). Remember that it only supports ConfigMgr Packages not Applications as with 2012.

After this is applied you should get this message. (Even thou the integration is in place, the software distribution option is not enabled, so we have to enable this )

Exit the setup mode and go back to composition, and enable Software distribution.


And before we can deploy the software we have to attach the package to a application that is defined within Workspace Manager.


Click Start and press “New Application” if you are unfamiliar using the different options you can choose the wizard. I have created a “Lync planning tool” application. Right click and choose Edit, go down to configuration and press Add. From there choose ConfigMgr


Now press the package you need to add. IF not mark the “Program” option and choose the button on the right side and add the package.


Then Press OK and close.
For all Managed desktop (With RES Agent and ConfigMgr Agent) Will now get this application.

#res-workspace-manager-2012, #sccm-2012